Associated Missions
University Mission - UCO
University is a significant time for many young people to discover or grow in their faith. Word of Life supports a local chapter of University Christian Outreach (UCO) on local campuses in the Ann Arbor area to help meet this need. Please follow the link below to learn more about UCO!
Kairos is the nonprofit organization that bridges the youth programs of our different Sword of the Spirit communities. It runs regional and international events to bring youth closer to the Lord and to one another. Please follow the link below to learn more about Kairos and its programs.
Living Stones.
Word of Life sponsors an outreach in the Ann Arbor area to young professionals-post-college adults moving forward in careers, service and discipleship. This outreach meets regularly for a meal, fellowship, teaching and prayer. For the next young professional event, please check the community bulletin or contact the community office.
Word of Life’s high school program is always on fire and is thus adequately named Ignite. It is one of the many active youth programs that Word of Life runs for children of all ages. Please follow the link below to learn more about our High School program, Ignite.